Theoretical Background
and Support
Sociometry and Sociograms
Sociometry is a quantitative method for measuring social relationships. It was developed by psychotherapist Jacob L. Moreno in his studies of the relationship between social structures and psychological well-being. One of Moreno's innovations in sociometry was the development of the Sociogram, a systematic method for graphically representing individuals as points and the relationships between them as lines.
Moreno, who wrote extensively of his thinking, applications and findings, also founded a journal entitled Sociometry. Trained in psychodramatic methods, integrating thinking, feeling and action aspects of behavior, sociometrists practice in the fields of psychology, counseling, executive leadership, community and organization development.
Sociograms were developed by Jacob L. Moreno to analyze choices or preferences within a group. They can diagram the structure and patterns of group interactions. A Sociogram can be drawn on the basis of many different criteria: Social relations, channels of influence, lines of communication etc.
Those points on a Sociogram who have many choices are called Stars. Those with few or no choices are called isolates. Individuals who choose each other are known to have made a Mutual Choice. One-Way Choice refers to individuals who choose someone but the choice is not reciprocated. Cliques are groups of three or more people within a larger group who all choose each other (Mutual Choice).
Sociograms are the charts or tools used to find the Sociometry of a social space.
Under the Social Discipline Model, Sociograms are sometimes used to reduce misbehavior in a classroom environment. A Sociogram is constructed after students answer a series of questions probing for affiliations with other classmates. The diagram can then be used to identify pathways for social acceptance for misbehaving students. In this context, the resulting sociograms are known as a friendship chart. Often, the most important person/thing is in a bigger bubble to everyone else. The size of the bubble represents the importance, with the biggest bubble meaning most important and the smallest representing the least important.
You can Google Sociograms to get more information the tool and it’s various applications.